PCOS-Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome

Ovary featured image


What is PCOS?

PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome) refers to the formation of multiple cysts in a woman’s ovary. These cysts form due to a severe hormone imbalance.

Why should it be dealt with ASAP?

If not treated, PCOS can lead to serious health problems over time. They include:

  1. Difficulty in getting pregnant
  2. Excessive weight gain
  3. Heart diseases
  4. Diabetes
  5. Cancer (cysts are very prone to getting malignant)

After investigating the cause of the disease, we can not only cure the disease but also reverse the cysts with proper treatment.

What are the causes of PCOS?

  1. This disease is related to hormones. The increase of androgen hormone (a male sex hormone which also found in tiny amounts in a female’s ovary) is the main reason for the symptoms of PCOS.
  2. The increase of acid (पित्त विकार) is a very common reason for PCOS.
  3. Usage of medicine that affects hormones -such as thyroxine pills, insulin etc. increase the risk for PCOS.
  4. PCOS may be caused due to genetic defects.
  5. Habits like smoking and drinking will cause PCOS.
  6. PCOS is very related to stress and depression.

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

  1. Irregular periods
  2. Excessive periodic pain
  3. Weight gain
  4. Acne
  5. Unwanted hair growth in different parts of the body (face, back etc)
  6. Excessive hair fall
  7. Infertility
  8. Depression

How to get tested for PCOS?

Transverse Ultrasound of Pelvic Region: Only ultrasonography report can give a clear picture. Go for it upon recommendation from your preferred physician/gynaecologist.


We treat diseases by strengthening the body. Cleansing, toning, and nourishing play a major role in the complete treatment of PCOS. We describe three aspects of the treatment process that come together to cure the disease completely.

  1. Naturopathy Treatments
  2. Diet Therapy
  3. Yoga- specifically designed PCOS regime

Naturopathy Treatments:

  1. Mud Bandage of the Stomach
  2. Enema
  3. Hip Bath
  4. Alternate Hip-Bath (plays a key role in this treatment)
  5. Whole Body Wet Sheet Pack
  6. Steam Bath
  7. Alternate Fomentation of stomach, liver, kidneys, and pelvis
  8. Spine Bath
  9. Massage
  10. Deep-Tissue Massage of the pelvis

Diet Therapy:

  1. Kalpa(fast) with lemon juice, jaggery, and water(at least for three days)
  2. After fast live on citrus fruit juice for at least two days
  3. Take 1/2 lemon juice, 15 grammes jaggery, and 200ml water in the morning

Breakfast (Before 9:00 AM):

  1. Two bowls of boiled vegetables (with a little oil, salt, turmeric, coriander powder and nothing else)
  2. One bowl pure wheat dalia and one or two chapatis with smashed salad

Lunch (Before 2:00 PM):

  1. One bowl (150 gms) sprouts
  2. small cut salad
  3. One pulpy sweet fruit


  1. One glass pure milk
  2. One pulpy sweet fruit

(Around 4:00) PM:

  1. One glass citrus juice or carrot juice

Dinner (Before 7:00 PM):

(Take your dinner before 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM)

  1. Two bowls of boiled vegetables

Before Bed:

  1. Eat around 15 gms of jaggery and drink one cup of warm water.

It is more important to know what NOT to eat.

Say no to:

  1. Food with preservatives or bakery agents. Especially biscuits
  2. Tea, coffee, pickles and anything with chilli in it
  3. Painkillers and any hormonal medicine

Don’t take sprouts, dairy products, raw vegetables or dry fruits after sunset.

Yoga For PCOS

Sukshma vyayam

  1. Hand movements
  2. Leg movements
  3. Neck movements (it improves blood flow and internally massages endocrine glands)
  4. Eye movements (stimulates the aagya chakra)

Vajrasana Samooha
(energises digestive, reproductive and excretory systems)

  1. Vajrasana
  2. Marjari asana(cat pose)
  3. Vyaghra asana (tiger pose)
  4. Shashank asna (rabbit pose)
  5. Ushtrasana(camel pose)
  6. Suptavajrasana
  7. Mandookasana(frog pose)

Some more important asanas:

  1. Tadasana(pine tree pose): Standing and Lying down with concentration on the lower abdomen
  2. Tiryak tadasana
  3. Katichakrasana
  4. Surya namaskar
  5. Makrasana
  6. Bhujangasana
  7. Tiryak bhujangasana
  8. Dhanurasana
  9. Bhadrasan(very beneficial for PCOS and periodic pain )
  10. Padmasana
  11. Suptaudrakarshanasna
  12. Shithlikaran or Shavasana


  1. Nadi Shodhan
  2. Anulom Vilom
  3. Bhastrika
  4. Kapaal Bhati
  5. Bhramari
  6. Shitali


  1. Ashwini mudra
  2. Vajroli mudra
  3. Apana Vayu mudra
  4. Gyana mudra


  1. Mula bandh
  2. maha bandh
  3. Agnisaara kriya


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