
Let operation be your last option. Give a chance to Nature first.


The main reason for the Varicoceles is disturbed blood flow in the scrotum. There are many reasons that affect the blood flow. The blood flow in the groin region is affected by:

• Blood Pressure

• High Cholesterol

• Smoking

• Tight Clothing

• Sitting Continuously

• Exessive Biking

• Inactivity of Pelvic Muscles

and few more reasons…


• A lump with a dragging like or aching pain

• Feeling of heaviness in the testicles

• Related urinary problems

• Swelling in the scrotum

• Visibly enlarged or twisted veins which are described as looking/feeling like a bag of worms

• A dull or recurring pain in the scrotum that may spike to extreme pain occasionally


• This conditions can affect fertility

• Chronic varicocele can last for years or lifelong


A varicocele is often confused to be lymphatic filariasis. Every  one should go for proper tests for diagnosis. If you suffer from pain, don’t let your doctor jump to a conclusion just by clinical examination. Go for proper diagnosis with proper tests and examination followed by clinical correlation.

Scrotal Ultrasonography (USG-Scrotum):

A scrotal ultrasound is a way to get a clear picture of your disease and its extent and severity. Always go for proper diagnosis.

Always go for proper diagnosis to avoid being a victim of false medication.

Treatment Options:


There exist surgical procedures where the blocked part is cut and the veins are joined for normal blood flow. This, however, brings in new complications and is not always known to completely provide relief. The varicocele reappears in most of the cases after some time. This is because surgery does not remove the reason behind this ailment.

So keep surgery as your last resort and go for naturopathy first.


Know medication is known to exist that could help with the Varicocele. There are sedatives and painkillers that may help in relieving the pain, but nothing is known to cure varicocele.

Yoga and Naturopathy:


Varicocele is a blockage in the blood veins. Basically, it is a lack of proper toning in the scrotum area. This could also be due to blood flow inconsistency like to people who used to left their habits of biking, or of working out.

Toning is providing proper exercise to the region. One needs to let clean blood flow in his body, give proper exercise to all parts, and especially the groin region. Proper compression and relaxation provided by the treatment and exercises will recuperate the veins and eventually ease the blood flow back into the normal painless state, and dissolve the lumps.


The following Naturotherapeutic treatments are helpful in this case:

1. Mud pack on the stomach

2. Alternate fomentation of the stomach and pelvic region.

3. Enema

4. Woollen-Cotton bandage (Convection Bandage) above the kidneys (T -pack)

5. Hot Foot Bath

6. Whole body steam and local steam (under doctor’s supervision)

7. Spine bath (It is very beneficial to improve blood circulation. Varicoceles is the disease of circulatory system.)

8. Massage of feet, palm and lower abdomen using reflexology and pressure points.


1.Sukshma vyayam

2.Pelvic griddle and butterfly

3.Vajrasana group:

Vajrasana samooh(group) asanas stimulate the muladhar chakra and make the blood flow better in the pelvic region.









Keep conciousness on the pelvic region. Conciousness(sajagta) matters a lot.

Some more exercises:

•Stand straight -cross the feet-raise the hands with deep inhale.- move

downward slowly with exhale- come up with inhale .

Repeat this with changing the foot.

Keep concentration on pelvic region.

•Lay down on the floor keeping legs on the wall the height should be that where

you feel maximum comfort.


•Ashwini mudra

•Vajroli mudra

•Manduki mudra


Make three sets 30 to 40 breathing strokes in each set.

Keep concentration on muladhar chakra in the first30 strokes

Keep concentration on manipur chakra in the second 30 breathing strokes.

Keep concentration on forehead in the last 30 strokes.



Bhramari pranayama



Mulabandh and Tribandh are the most important part of yoga for treating vericoceles so never miss it.


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